Recognizing & DISRUPTing Workplace Microaggressions & Racism

Have you been thinking about a workshop for your team or staff to dig deeper into understanding how to identify and disrupt workplace microaggressions and racism?!


I have just the thing!


Recognizing and DISRUPTing Workplace Microaggressions & Racism, the cornerstone workshop of my research and work, is just the thing. This live, 2-hour virtual workshop is the perfect opportunity for your team to engage in meaningful conversations and cultivate a more inclusive workplace and beyond. We dig all the way in and discuss the roots, not just the band-aid solutions. But most of all, this is interactive and will have you talking to each other about these important topics!


And to celebrate the 5th birthday of this workshop and my business, I’m offering these sessions for just $1500 if they’re booked before June 18. Typically this workshop would cost $4,000, so you don’t have to take my word for it that it’s a deal! 


The truth is that without this amazing little workshop and the research behind it, I wouldn’t have a business. So it only seems right to put it center stage on this 5th anniversary!


If you’re ready, you can book yours right now using this link. If you have questions, you can respond to this email or schedule a call. And if you’re ready to book but you don’t see the time/date that you’d like, lemme know and we’ll figure it out!

Here’s what folks have said about this workshop…


Dr. Farris created a very open and comfortable room for dialogue. It created authentic conversations among participants and provided awareness and tools to disrupting microaggressions in the workplace.


After hearing Victoria speak on social justice concepts, I always walk away more motivated and inspired to be a better human. She is unafraid of the consequences of meaningful allyship and calls you in to fight alongside communities of color. I have learned strategies for capitalizing on discomfort and deeply reflected on my own privileges as a white person. Thank you, Victoria!

Dr. Victoria Farris has fueled her rage for injustice and racism into transformative teaching, leading, and disrupting. Her research and experience with direct action protesting has given her the ability to speak directly to hearts and minds of folks craving transformative change. Dr. Farris created an online environment that was engaging and I felt deeply connected to the other participants. I am deeply grateful for Dr. Farris' teaching and brave leadership.


I loved the way the material was presented, the DISRUPT model, the conversations and the openness of participants to share their experiences.


What's really staying with me is "what if people were more afraid of doing racist things than they were of being accused of being racist?" And there were some other gems that you and participants shared that I made not of.


There were great tools given in terms of how to disrupt racism, macro and microaggressions in both the work place and in our lives.


Dr. Farris' workshop started to give folks in our division necessary tools to help disrupt and dismantle racism and how to put this work into practice. She was engaging, passionate, and firm in a way that inspires you to do better.


Dr. Farris encourages us to feel comfortable exploring our feelings and experiences in the work we do. Dr. Farris truly accepted and supported others by maintaining a safe space for us to be vulnerable. In addition, she encouraged us to use a shared identity factor in order to connect and grow our individual mindset.

Victoria Farris