Your Parenting Magic Wand

Hey Friend,

This morning I found myself feeling all the feels about parenting.


I was feeling responsible for something one of my kids is going through. 


As if I’ve failed him by making decisions that can be tough for him to navigate. In this case, we recently moved and decided to blend families. It’s been a beautiful experience, but not without impact on the kids.


Have you ever felt guilt for the decisions you made, and how they've impacted your kids?


When I notice feelings rising up, I breathe and take a few quiet moments to tune in with myself. I connect with my internal parenting expert (my wisdom!) and receive the most gorgeous reframe.


Here’s what my inner parent said:


I am not responsible for creating an environment for my children that is void of any challenges, hurt or struggle. 

I am only responsible for being there for them when the challenges, hurts or struggles arise, so they don’t have to hold it alone.



What a powerful reminder.


I immediately felt calmer and more capable.


In just a few minutes, I moved from feeling overwhelmed and full of tears to feeling capable and clear, reminded of my role and agency.


It honestly felt like magic.


And it’s as close to a parenting magic wand as I can imagine, which is why my new program is called Parenting Magic.


What if you had an internal magic wand for your parenting worries, uncertainties, and challenges?


You do, and I’d love to help you access it.


Join the Parenting Magic waitlist today to get all the details. Because you deserve a little magic in your life.


With love + in solidarity, 


Victoria Farris