One Thing at a Time

I’m dropping in with a little love note from me to you.

Sometimes (or in my case, all the time!) the most loving thing that you can do for yourself is to give yourself permission to do one thing at a time.

For this neurodivergent, single mama, entrepreneur, the demands can feel significant; like I’m always being pulled into different directions.

On top of that I’ve been socialized and conditioned to believe that multitasking and output are signs of worthiness and virtue.

And– it never feels good for me.

I get frustrated more easily, make mistakes, forget things…

And for the longest time I thought that meant that there was something wrong with me.

I felt so much shame about making mistakes or not being able to juggle all day every day; for forgetting things or feeling exhausted by all of it.

But not anymore.

For me, loving my brilliantly noisy and messy ADHD brain, and slowing down to do one freaking thing at a time is an act of resistance.

It’s also a profound act of self-love.

I am more present, more thoughtful, more compassionate with my children and the people around me.

And more than that, I feel more spaciousness and ease, more acceptance. And that feels so freaking good!

Does everything always get done perfectly? Nope.

Does it all get done immediately? Nope.

Do I often have to plan ahead to ensure that I can still slow down during busy times? Yup.

Is it sometimes uncomfortable AF? Yup.

Does it feel natural? Nope, a lot of the time it doesn’t.

But it also feels loving, even in the moments where it’s uncomfortable.

So my invitation to you today is to check in with yourself.

Does the hustle of multitasking feel loving?

Are there ways that you can give yourself permission to do one thing at a time?

I’d love to hear what you think!

With love + solidarity,


Oh, and by the way. This is also one of the BEST strategies for minimizing microaggressions. Slow down enough to notice your thoughts, beliefs, words and actions. Presence. Mindfulness.

I know my messages are full of self love and woo woo ideas, but many of them are also the same strategies that cultivate change and equity when used intentionally to do so.

Nothing changes unless we do, friends. And we all deserve more ease!

Victoria Farris