A Love Note From Me to You

It’s a snow day here today, << Test First Name >>.

Miraculously the children have all decided to sleep in and I’m sitting here in the silence, watching the snow fall from my very cozy bed. Full of gratitude for these moments of quiet solitude.


Reflecting on all the times I used to hate silence and being alone…


For so long I let it mean something about my worthiness, it was almost heartbreaking to be alone.


And now it’s like a treat that I get to enjoy occasionally!
Such a delight!


It also has me thinking a lot about the stories we tell ourselves and the meaning we make of things.


I’m thinking about all the self love and self acceptance that is sacrificed because we’ve convinced ourselves that our worthiness or lovability is defined by another’s actions.


If I don’t get the promotion, I’m not good enough.

If they don’t want to date me, I’m not lovable or worthy.

If my children don’t do what I want them to, I’m a bad mother.

If people don’t love me (or like me!), I am broken.


I used to equate the silence and aloneness with abandonment.
I let it mean that no one would ever love me because I was unlovable.

Ooof. It hurts to even recall the memories.


I know I’m not alone though.

So many of us are moving through abandonment stuff, worthiness, and trying to cultivate a sense of wholeness.


I’ve been leaning hard into self love and self acceptance lately.

Harder than ever, probably.


I’m remembering that every time life levels up— that I level up! — there’s a new level of self acceptance and self love that must follow.


It’s one journey to receive all of our dreams and desires, but it’s another to hold it all and allow it without fear.


That’s the part of the journey that I’m walking right now. The second part.


So I’ve been creating new stories and beliefs that align with this life and not the old traumas, heartbreaks and fears of losing it all.


The beautiful part of this human experience is that we get to decide what stories we believe and what stories we tell ourselves.


What if today we chose the belief that we’re already worthy and perfect? Because we are.


YOU are, << Test First Name >>.


Sending you so much love on this manufactured, capitalistic, consumer driven “holiday” week that I low key also kind of love, because it reminds me of being a little girl wearing pink, telling my friends how awesome they are, and eating candy, still some of my favorite things! HA! 

Valentine’s Day might be a ridiculous money trap, but we can also let it also be ridiculously fun and silly, and make it a great excuse to love ourselves just a little bit more


With all my love,



PS- A great way to support your self love and cultivate deeper self acceptance is through coaching and hypnotherapy, which is basically like a spa day for your spirit! I have a small handful of one on one coaching slots available this month! Reply here to connect or schedule a call to learn more! ❤️

Victoria Farris