This One is for the Parents!

I don’t know about you, but I find parenting to be one of the hardest things I’ve ever done.


I so deeply desire to be a change agent and cycle breaker.

To teach my kids empathy and compassion, while also encouraging their awareness of social injustices, oppression and violence.

To have a gentle home where there is strong connection and lots of joy, instead of fear and yelling and shame.

But instead I spend so much time thinking about how I could have done things differently.

Shaming and judging myself for yelling, when I promised I wouldn’t repeat those patterns.

Worrying about the impact I’m having on my kids.

Wondering if I’m doing enough.


So. Much. Time.


And so much freaking energy!

Between the energy of trying to reparent and heal myself, regulate my own emotions, and then spiraling about every mistake or misstep.

And I don’t think I’m alone.



What if, instead of using your precious time and energy second guessing, judging, and beating yourself up, you could feel confident, competent, and resourced?


It’s possible.


I know this, because I’ve been doing it.

And I am so excited to share it with you.


If this sounds like something you want to know more about, please add your name to the list!


I’ve got tools and resources to share, a live workshop on its way, and a gorgeous community-based program launching next month all for you.


Add your name to receive all of the updates and info, because you deserve to feel resourced and supported as a parent, even if right now that feels impossible!

I can’t wait to offer all of that to you!

With love + in solidarity, 


Victoria Farris