When It All Feels Too Big
Recently I’ve been having more moments where it all feels too big.
The suffering.
The oppressions.
The violence.
The dehumanization.
It starts to feel like I can’t possibly hold it all and pay attention to it all.
So many people are hurting.
And so so so many people are being marginalized and dehumanized and are under threat of (or actual!) violence.
Trans Rights here in the US.
Police violence.
Black lives.
Disabled lives.
Anti Semitism
Poverty, food insecurity, and homelessness.
That’s just what’s top of mind at the moment – there is so much more!
It’s so easy to begin to feel helpless.
Like what any one of us can offer is insignificant.
It’s easy to get defeated.
Even depressed.
I know I’m not alone...
So I wanted to share the reminder that I’ve given to myself recently.
All of these issues are branches from the same tree.
Supremacy Culture and Colonialism.
When the branches become too many and too much to hold, I remember the trunk. The source.
And then I remind myself that there are many of us working together, each tackling a different branch in a different moment.
And as long as we all remember that all of the branches are connected, we make an impact.
And the collective impact is significant.
So when it all feels too big, I find a place to make an impact and just do it.
Not forgetting about all of the other branches, but with the understanding that they’re all connected.
None of us are free until we’re all free.
Last week I had the opportunity to connect with Queer community working to support migrants who are being temporarily sheltered in NYC.
In one night we took to social media and collected over $650 and more supplies than we could fit in our very large, packed, minivan.
We showed up to Floyd Bennett Field in Brooklyn with about 5 other cars and helped connect folks with resources.
Blankets, warm coats, suitcases, backpacks and toys for the kids, shoes, snow boots, and medicine.
We connected with families who were largely from Latin America, most with small children. They told us stories about how they walked for 3 months to get to the United States. They shared concerns about their children being sick. They let us know what they needed and were appreciative of our support. But more than anything, they asked if we could help them find work. They want to provide for themselves and their families.
We’re in contact with several families and will be going back to continue to support them and help meet the needs of as many folks and families as possible.
The reason I’m sharing this is because I needed the reminder that sometimes we just need to find a way to support and take action, not spin our wheels about the best way to support.
What the world needs right now are people willing to
Bare witness
Lift voices
Take action
And leverage their networks and communities and sources of capital
So that we can slowly redistribute power and resources, while we work to break down structures of harm.
Don’t look away, but please take breaks and take care of yourself.
Connect to your humanity by being in service to someone else’s. This isn’t the oppression olympics of who’s suffering more, many are suffering and humanity is humanity.
Use your voice. Loudly. I promise that the more of us that are speaking out and lifting our voices bravely, the safer we become. They quite literally cannot fire everyone… let’s join in solidarity.
Find a place to take action and start. The only one who benefits from my despair or helplessness are those in power. In fact, they’re counting on us to burn out and put our heads in the sand. Fight the urge. Every little bit helps.
And finally, and yeah this one’s a little selfish, notice the small businesses and folks who are speaking out right now, especially about Palestine. The algorithms are shadow banning and hiding our content. Many of us are losing work and reach to our communities. Even if you can’t hire or shop these small businesses, like, comment and share our posts & content. Seek it out. And maybe refer us to colleagues and friends, too. I’d be super grateful and I know I’m not alone. ❤️
Remember the trunk, friend.
When it all feels too big, take a breath and a pause, zoom out and remember the interconnectedness of it all, and find a way to take action, even if it feels super small, because it matters.
With love + solidarity,
PS - If you’d like to support what my family is doing to support migrant families in NYC and redistribute resources, you can venmo me. We’re tracking a list of needs of families and use these funds to immediately and directly meet these needs. And if you’re local you can join us or donate items. Reply to this email and we can discuss!
PSS- If you’d like to support me and my small business, I’d be so grateful! I’m currently booking workshops and keynotes (in person and virtual) and I have a small handful of one on one coaching slots available this month! Reply here to connect or schedule a call to learn more! ❤️