My Clients

People often ask me about my clients.


Who are they and why do they want to work with me?


The funny thing is that my clients don’t all have the same “problem” or need that brings them to coaching.


It’s something more subtle than that.


I think clients are drawn to me because you’re sick and tired of playing the role of nice white lady.

Tired of being the good girl.

The rule follower and people pleaser.

The responsible one.

You see me dropping F bombs and daring to speak about the things we’ve been told to be silent about, and I think there’s a part of you that wants to be that way.


To be the disruptor.

The badass, and I don’t just mean in the boss lady kinda way.

You’re craving a rebellion against the box you built for yourself!

You want to feel more free.

More like yourself.



Like you matter.

You want to change the fucking world.

Or at least change your piece of it!

Me too, << Test First Name >>. Me too.

And that’s how I got here, too.

That’s how I hired my first coach. And my second one. And my third.


I was sick and tired of feeling exhausted by a life that felt empty.

My soul was craving more.


And when I finally invested in myself, and decided that I didn’t come this far and go through this much just to live a mediocre exhausting life, everything changed.


Sure, it got messy.

But it also brought me back to life.

I want the same thing for you, love.

You deserve it.

The part of you that’s whispering her dreams to you?

 Let’s give her a canvas to paint with her dreams.

She already knows what you’re capable of.

So do you.


And so do I.

We can start right now.

Schedule a free call today to learn more and see if we're a good match. The life of your wildest dreams is waiting for you, you just have to answer the call.

With love + solidarity,


Victoria Farris