Today's my Mama's birthday.
I talk a lot about her here, so I thought today was a perfect day to say a bit more. Not just about the grief, but about her.
The other day I was chatting with a friend who said something so brilliant that I had to share.
We were talking about something hard.
I offered her some advice, with consent of course!
And in response she said "I hate you"
I’m not a love and light kind of coach.
I am a what’s this dark here to teach you kind of coach.
Read MoreI am a f*cking amazing coach.
Not because I have all the answers, can solve all the problems, or know all of the things.
But because I can hold complete trust in you, even when you can’t.
Read MoreA declaration.
What if there is actually nothing wrong with me?!
What if every single thing that I judge and hide and shame about myself is actually fucking brilliant?
An essential part of the whole that makes up the perfectly imperfect me?